no body, no crime
no body, no crime
Taylor Swift
He did it
He did it
Este's a friend of mine
埃斯特 是我的一位朋友
We meet up every Tuesday night for dinner and a glass of wine
每逢周二 我们就会共进晚餐 小酌一杯
Este's been losin' sleep
埃斯特 她近来难以入眠
Her husband's actin' different and it smells like infidelity
近来她的老公行为很反常 好像是出轨了
She says
That ain't my merlot on his mouth
That ain't my jewelry on our joint account
他所购买的珠宝 并不是相赠与我
No there ain't no doubt
I think I'm gonna call him out
She says "I think he did it but I just can't prove it"
她说 我觉得他背叛了我 但我没有证据
I think he did it but I just can't prove it
我觉得他背叛了我 但我没有证据
I think he did it but I just can't prove it
我觉得他背叛了我 但我没有证据
No no body no crime
若无证据 此案便不成立
But I ain't lettin' up until the day I die
除非我命已绝 不然我绝不会善罢甘休
No no
I think he did it
No no
He did it
Este wasn't there Tuesday night at Olive Garden
周二晚上 埃斯特不在橄榄花园餐厅
At her job or anywhere
也不在她工作的地方 无处可寻她的踪迹
He reports his missing wife
他去警局报案 是关于他失踪的妻子
And I noticed when I passed his house
当我经过他的房子 我注意到
His truck has got some brand new tires
And his mistress moved in
Sleeps in Este's bed and everything
在埃斯特的床榻上安然入睡 一副妻子的模样
No there ain't no doubt
Somebody's gotta catch him out 'cause
有人得告发他 因为
I think he did it but I just can't prove it
我认为他导致了埃斯特的失踪 但我没有证据
I think he did it but I just can't prove it
我认为他导致了埃斯特的失踪 但我没有证据
I think he did it but I just can't prove it
我认为他导致了埃斯特的失踪 但我没有证据
No no body no crime
若无证据 此案便不成立
But I ain't lettin' up until the day I die
除非我命已绝 不然我绝不会善罢甘休
No no
I think he did it
No no
He did it
Good thing my daddy made me get a boating license when I was fifteen
幸运的是 在我十五岁的时候 我的父亲就教会我划船
And I've cleaned enough houses
To know how to cover up a scene
Good thing Este's sister's gonna swear she was with me
对我有利的是 埃斯特的妹妹会是我的时间证人
She was with me dude
Good thing his mistress took out a big life insurance policy
有趣的是 他的情妇会从他的保险赔偿中获益许多
They think she did it but they just can't prove it
人们认为情妇应该为此案负责 但是他们没有证据
They think she did it but they just can't prove it
人们认为情妇应该为此案负责 但是他们没有证据
She thinks I did it but she just can't prove it
他的情妇认为是我做的 但她没有证据
No no body no crime
若无证据 此案便不成立
I wasn't lettin' up until the day he
除非他命已绝 否则我难以饶恕他
No no body no crime
若无证据 此案便不成立
I wasn't lettin' up until the day he
除非他命已绝 否则我难以饶恕他
No no body no crime
若无证据 此案便不成立
I wasn't lettin' up until the day he died
除非他命已绝 否则我难以饶恕他