Addict (Explicit)
Addict (Explicit)
Silva Hound
'Til death do us part but we're already past that phase
只有死亡能将我们分开 但我们已经度过那个阶段
This is a brand new start and I think I deserve some praise
这是全新的开始 我觉得我应该被称赞
For the way that I am
Despite having overdosed and ending up comatose
尽管服用太多那种东西 最后有点昏昏沉沉的
I don't give a d**n
I've let my emotions go f**k being a sober h*e
我不再压抑自己的情绪 懒得做个清醒的人
This is the mantra this is my life
这是我的座右铭 这是我的人生
You're playing with now 'til the end of the night
Surrounded by fire the passion ignites
被烈火包围 激情燃烧
A hit of that Heaven and Hell a hell of a high
尝尝天堂与地狱交织的滋味 简直让人不能自已
I'm addicted to the madness this hotel is my Atlantis
我沉醉于这种疯狂 这家酒店就是我的亚特兰蒂斯
We're forever gonna have a f**king reason to sin
Let me leave my soul to burn and I'll be breathing it in
就让我的灵魂被折磨吧 我会尽情享受这一刻
I'm addicted to the feeling getting higher than the ceiling
我沉醉于这种感觉 越来越嗨 越来越兴奋
And we're never gonna want this f**king feeling to end
Just concede and give in to your inner demons again
Yeah you fell in love but you fell deeper in this pit
你陷入情网 但你为这种东西陷得更深
While death rains from above
So count your blessings 'cause this is it
所以珍惜你的幸福吧 因为一切都即将结束
You're not letting it go
So what if I misbehave
It's what everybody craves
You already know
So come if you're feeling brave and fancy yourself a mate
所以 如果你足够勇敢 就来吧 为自己幻想出一个伴侣
You want it I got it see what you like
你想要的 我有 就看你喜欢什么样的
We could have it all by the end of the night
在今夜结束之前 我们可以统统尝试一遍
Your money and power my sinful delight
你的金钱与力量 就是我罪恶与快乐的源泉
A hit of that Heaven and Hell a hell of a high
尝尝天堂与地狱交织的滋味 简直让人不能自已
I'm addicted to the madness this hotel is my Atlantis
我沉醉于这种疯狂 这家酒店就是我的亚特兰蒂斯
We're forever gonna have a f**king reason to sin
Let me leave my soul to burn and I'll be breathing it in
就让我的灵魂被折磨吧 我会尽情享受这一刻
I'm addicted to the feeling getting higher than the ceiling
我沉醉于这种感觉 越来越嗨 越来越兴奋
And we're never gonna want this f**king feeling to end
Just concede and give in to your inner demons again
Just concede and give in to your inner demons again
I'm addicted to the feeling
Getting higher than the ceiling
越来越嗨 越来越兴奋
And we're never gonna want this f**king feeling to end
Just concede and give in to your inner demons again