The Search
The Search
Hey Nate, how's life?
嘿奈特 过得怎么样
I don’t know, it's alright
不知道 就那样吧
I've been dealin’ with some things like every human being
And really didn't sleep much last night (Last night)
I'm sorry, that's fine
那还真是抱歉 不过没事的
I just think I need a little me time
I just think I need a little free time
Little break from the shows and the bus rides (Bus rides), yeah
Last year I had a breakdown
Thoughts tellin' me I'm lost, gettin' too loud
连思绪都不停叫嚣 暗示自己已经迷失
Had to see a therapist and I found out
必须该看看心理医生 而我终于发现
Somethin' funny’s goin’ on up in my house
Yeah, started thinkin' maybe I should move out
You know, pack my car, take a new route
你知道的 就是踩下油门 闯出新天地
Clean up my yard, get the noose out
把地盘打扫干净 把东西都准备好
Hang up my heart, let it air out (Air out)
I’ve been searchin'
What does that mean, Nate? I've been learning
奈特这又是何意 我还在探寻
Grabbin' my keepsakes, leavin’ my burdens
收起过去的纪念品 卸下重负
Well, I brought a few with me, I'm not perfect
没错 我有缺点 我并非完人
Lookin' at the view like this concerns me
看着眼前风景 好像能引起我的关心
Pickin' up the cues, right? I'm quite nervous
该一招制敌对吧 那还真让人紧张
Hate it when I lose sight, life gets blurry
And things might hurt me
It's prolly gonna be a long journey, but hey! (But hey!)
肯定是场漫长旅途 可那又怎样
It's worth it though
Cold world out there, kids, grab your coats
外面的世界很冷漠 孩子穿好衣服
Been a minute, I know, now I'm back to roam
花了点时间 现在我重回路途
Lookin' for the antidote to crack the code
Pretty vivid; I admit it, I'm in classic mode
真有趣 我正在黄金状态
Don't need pity given to me but I can't condone
不需要同情我 我可不能饶恕
Talkin' down to me, I'ma have to crack your nose
For crackin' jokes
I'm lookin' for the map to hope, you seen it? (You seen it?)
我在寻找象征希望的地图 懂吗
Been makin' a whole lot of changes
Wrote a song about that, you should play it
I get scared when I walk on these stages
当我置身这些舞台 我也感到恐惧
I look at the crowd and see so many faces, yeah
我望着人群 看着千人千面
That's when I start to get anxious
That's when my thoughts can be dangerous
That's when I put on my makeup and drown in self-hatred
我带上假面 沉浸于自我憎恶中
Forget what I'm saying, and
Where'd the beat go?
Oh, ain't that somethin'?
Drums came in, you ain't see that comin'
Hands on my head, can't tell me nothin'
Got a taste of the fame, and it pumped my stomach
一品名利之味 这让我反胃
Throw it back up like I don't want it
Wipe my face, clean up my vomit
擦干净我的脸 清理好污秽
OCD, tryna push my buttons
强迫症 想点着我的脾气
I said don't touch it, now y'all done it
我说过拒绝接触 现在你已经都解决了
I can be critical, never typical
我是有些挑剔 但没那么绝对
Intricate with every syllable, I'm a criminal
我是个娴熟的囚犯 操纵着复杂的音节
Intimate, but never political, pretty visual
与人为善 却从不关心政治 这表象真不错
Even if you hate it, I'll make it feel like you're in it though
即使你不情愿 我也会让你置身其间
You call me what you wanna, but never call me forgettable
随便你们评价我 但从来不说我健忘
Leave you deep in thought, I could never swim in the kiddie pool
让你陷入思绪 我从来无法安居一隅
Way that I been thinkin' this cinematic is beautiful
我的思路安排很是戏剧化 这也不错
Man, I don't know if I'm makin' movies or music videos
(Videos, videos)
视频 视频
Yeah, the sales can rise
Doesn't mean much though when your health declines
可你的健康有了损伤 这就没什么意思了
See, we've all got somethin' that we trapped inside
看看 我们都陷入了一些情况
That we try to suffocate, you know, hopin' it dies
我们试图封杀 希望能解决掉
Try to hold it underwater but it always survives
试图让其溺水 可依旧存在着
Then it comes up out of nowhere like an evil surprise
然后又突然出现 像是恶魔准备的惊喜
Then it hovers over you to tell you millions of lies
然后围绕着你 不停告诉你谎言
You don't relate to that? Must not be as crazy as I am
你没屈服于它吧 千万别像我这样疯狂
The point I'm makin' is the mind is a powerful place
我想证明的是 思想的强大
And what you feed it can affect you in a powerful way
你让思想如何成长 将会有力影响你的未来
It's pretty cool, right? Yeah, but it's not always safe
真帅啊对吧 但这并不总是安全
Just hang with me, this'll only take a moment, okay?
和我待在一起 只要一会就好
Just think about it for a second, if you look at your face
就想一想 你要是看着你的脸
Every day when you get up and think you'll never be great
每天醒来 都觉得自己不优秀
You'll never be great—not because you're not, but the hate
那你永远不会优秀 并非因为你真得不优秀
Will always find a way to cut you up and murder your faith (Woo!)
而是憎恶总有办法伤害你 毁灭你的信仰
I am developin', take a look at the benefits
我正在发展自己 看看这带来的好处
Nothin' to meddle with, I can never be delicate
没什么能干预 我绝不会变得脆弱
Am I even relevant? That depends how you measure it
我是否屈服了 那看你怎么判断了
Take a measurement, then bag it up and give me the evidence
好好验证一下 然后整理好给我证据
It's pretty evident; dependable can never be tentative
可靠就不会犹豫 很明显的道理
I'm a gentleman, depending on if I think you're genuine
Pretty elegant but not afraid to tell you to get a grip
叫你好好把握 不影响我的优雅
Proper etiquette, I keep it to myself when I celebrate, ah!
It's that time again
Better grab your balloons and invite your friends
最好拿上气球 叫来朋友
Seatbelts back on, yeah, strap 'em in
安全带都系好 解决掉压力
Look at me, everybody, I'm smilin' big
各位 看着我大笑
On a road right now that I can't predict
Tell me \"Tone that down,\" but I can't resist
让我调低音量 那可不行哦
Y'all know that sound, better raise your fists
你们知道这首歌 最好举起拳头应和
The search begins, I'm back, so enjoy the trip, huh (Huh, huh)
这首歌开始播放 我回来啦 享受这趟音乐之旅吧