Until We Rich (Explicit)
Until We Rich (Explicit)
Ice Cube
Ni**a the mission's to get what you don't got
伙计 我们的任务就是得到那些世人渴望得到的东西
The struggle it don't stop until we drop
奋斗不止 直到我们倒下
Krazyie bone and ice cube
The best thing in life is life
Get your mind right and get your grind right
让你的头脑保持清醒 做好你的事情
We gotta keep goin
Hey young thugs
嘿 年轻人
We gotta keep goin
Get your mind right and get your grind right
让你的头脑保持清醒 做好你的事情
Hey young thugs
嘿 年轻人
Get your mind right and get your grind right
让你的头脑保持清醒 做好你的事情
Look into my eyes if you wanna know me
看着我的眼睛 如果你想了解我
Before you hypnotized homey what do you see
在你被催眠之前 你看到了什么
A figure that's just a little bigger than dealers
你会发现 我拥有一个略比**们壮硕的身躯
A hustler countin' figures ain't pulled no triggers
Can you dig us we be the ultimate lick
你能明白吗 我们是这个世界的王者
We's the hitters that make the ultimate hits
我们是猎手 做事干净不留痕迹
Kinda flossey kinda bossey
现在闪耀无比 无人能及
It's gotta be done my way do what the f**k I say
总会赢得最后的胜利 总是言出必行
Top of the pyramid homey what I tell you
告诉你们 这就是胜者为王的道理
If you leave this westside umbrella you hit the cellar
如果你失去了西海岸人民的庇护 你的地位就会一落千丈
Bring me my slippers black robe and my globe
把我的拖鞋 黑浴袍和地球仪给我
And I could rule the world with my eyes closed
With my eyes closed
See the mission's to get what we don't got
Until we filthy rich and on top
You betta go get it it's yours
你最好拿走你想要的一切 这都是属于你的东西
Ni**a the mission's to get what you don't got
伙计 我们的任务就是得到那些世人渴望得到的东西
The struggle it don't stop until we drop
奋斗不止 直到我们倒下
Krazyie bone and ice cube
See the mission's to get what we don't got
Until we filthy rich and on top
You betta go get it it's yours
你最好拿走你想要的一切 这都是属于你的东西
Ni**a the mission's to get what you don't got
伙计 我们的任务就是得到那些世人渴望得到的东西
The struggle it don't stop until we drop
奋斗不止 直到我们倒下
To all the little homies that's watchin' tv
I see you tryin' to be a og like me
Chasin' dreams pullin' mo' schemes for wealth
追逐梦想 为了梦想而奋斗
But the best thing in life is health be yourself playa
但生命中最美好的事是保持健康 做你自己
Television it'll keep yo' *ss wishin' forever
You'll never get you life together
让你继续沉沦 永无出头之日
Don't talk about death I got too much life to live
别跟我说生死 我还有无尽的日子去享受
Too many orders to give what it is showbiz
Taught you what a trick and a hoe is what
Showed you what a sixty fo' is what
让你们看看如果不让你的头脑保持清醒 当你老去 下场是多么凄惨
Lord knows in god we trust
上帝知道 我们信仰着上帝
And everybody in the world wanna be like us everybody
成为我们这样的人 就是这个世界上每一个人的梦想
Ni**a the mission's to get what you don't got
伙计 我们的任务就是得到那些世人渴望得到的东西
Until we filthy rich and on top
You betta go get it it's yours
你最好拿走你想要的一切 这都是属于你的东西
Ni**a the mission's to get what you don't got
伙计 我们的任务就是得到那些世人渴望得到的东西
The struggle it don't stop until we drop
奋斗不止 直到我们倒下
Krazyie bone and ice cube
See the mission's to get what we don't got
Until we filthy rich and on top
You betta go get it it's yours
你最好拿走你想要的一切 这都是属于你的东西
Ni**a the mission's to get what you don't got
伙计 我们的任务就是得到那些世人渴望得到的东西
The struggle it don't stop until we drop
奋斗不止 直到我们倒下
To the kids of the world that's waitin' for wealth
Waitin' for health you better do for self
与其等着坐享其成 不如奋力一搏
Homey that's yo' last cup
Forget about the fast buck boy get you *ss up
别再等天上掉馅饼了 赶紧行动吧
People use yo' brain to gain
Do something that ain't never been done
And we can spend hun's
Wipe our *ss with twenties light our joints with ones
肆意挥霍金钱 尽情吞云吐雾
Throw away the guns have nuttin' but fun
放下争斗 享受人生
And homey we could do that sh*t
伙计 我们可以尽情寻欢作乐
Police have a fit when yo' paper's legit
如果你的钱来路干净 警察也对你毫无办法
We gotta get off the phone we gotta teach our own
我们要放下手机 我们要自学一些人生道理
Send your baby to school and she'll come back grown
送你的孩子去学校上学 她会在那里长大成熟
We got to talk to our grandma's
And she'll help us throught them dark halls
And them pitfalls
Everybody know we got the world to gain
We got to stop the pain lord stop the rain
放下悲伤吧 阳光总在风雨后
See the mission's to get what we don't got
Until we filthy rich and on top
You betta go get it it's yours
你最好拿走你想要的一切 这都是属于你的东西
Ni**a the mission's to get what you don't got
伙计 我们的任务就是得到那些世人渴望得到的东西
The struggle it don't stop until we drop
奋斗不止 直到我们倒下
Krazyie bone and ice cube
See the mission's to get what we don't got
Until we filthy rich and on top
You betta go get it it's yours
你最好拿走你想要的一切 这都是属于你的东西
Ni**a the mission's to get what you don't got
伙计 我们的任务就是得到那些世人渴望得到的东西
The struggle it don't stop until we drop
奋斗不止 直到我们倒下
Keep goin' little homey why you slowin'
继续前进 小伙计 为何你要放慢脚步
Keep rollin' little homey why you slowin'
继续前进 小伙计 为何你要放慢脚步
Keep rollin' little homey why you slowin'
继续前进 小伙计 为何你要放慢脚步
Keep rollin' rollin' rollin' rollin'
不停努力 不要停下脚步
Hey young thugs the world is yours
嘿 年轻人 这世界是属于你们的
Hey young thugs the world is yours
嘿 年轻人 这世界是属于你们的
Hey young thugs the world is yours
嘿 年轻人 这世界是属于你们的
Yeah young thug the world is yours
嘿 年轻人 这世界是属于你们的
Hey young thugs the world is yours
嘿 年轻人 这世界是属于你们的
Hey young thugs the world is yours
嘿 年轻人 这世界是属于你们的
Hey young thugs the world is yours
嘿 年轻人 这世界是属于你们的
Yeah young thug the world is yours
嘿 年轻人 这世界是属于你们的
Hey young thugs the world is yours
嘿 年轻人 这世界是属于你们的
Hey young thugs the world is yours
嘿 年轻人 这世界是属于你们的
Hey young thugs the world is yours
嘿 年轻人 这世界是属于你们的
Yeah young thug the world is yours
嘿 年轻人 这世界是属于你们的
Hey young thugs the world is yours
嘿 年轻人 这世界是属于你们的
Hey young thugs the world is yours
嘿 年轻人 这世界是属于你们的
Hey young thugs the world is yours
嘿 年轻人 这世界是属于你们的
Hey young thugs the world is yours
嘿 年轻人 这世界是属于你们的